Preserving the past while inspiring for a better tomorrow   /  Preserving The Past While Inspiring For A Better Tomorrow   /   Preserving The Past While Inspiring For A Better Tomorrow   /   Preserving The Past While Inspiring For A Better Tomorrow   /   Preserving The Past While Inspiring For A Better Tomorrow   /   Preserving The Past While Inspiring For A Better Tomorrow 


We believe in the power of partnerships to uplift our community. Our endowment collaborates with various nonprofits and organizations to foster positive change. 

Each fundraiser is a collaboration between the endowment, a local charity, and includes a platform to showcase the incredible talent within our local community.


The Live Oaks Inspire and Preserve Endowment Fund is established to create and provide grants that focus on inspiring change to deserving nonprofits while also preserving the longevity of Philanthropy! We are honored to provide grants to approved nonprofit organizations with a mission and commitment to high priority needs and to help meet challenges that will inspire change while preserving the values that promote a better community and eastern North Carolina region. In addition, we are honored to also inspire and preserve the beautiful historic Live Oaks Estate, by continuing to maintain its original historic beauty and enabling the hospitality of sharing its unique heritage and beauty for Philanthropic intent.
For more information and to learn more about opportunities for your charitable organization to benefit from the Live Oaks Inspire and Preserve Fund, please feel free to contact us at the information provided below:

Live Oaks Inspire and Preserve Endowment Fund

Melissa Q. Spain
Chief Executive Officer
Community Foundation of NC East

625 Lynndale Court, Suite A
Greenville, NC 27858
252-756-8549 Office
252-413-7584 Cell

1908 Eastwood Road,
Lumina Station II, Suite 324
Wilmington, NC 28403
910-679-8640 Office
252-413-7584 Cell


Cape Fear Living and Beck Fine Art Gallery
At Live Oaks Estate 
September 21, 2024 
5:00PM - 8:00PM

learn more


Vino & Vision


inspiring change and preserving philanthropy

past events

  • Must be scheduled prior to arrival
  • Limited Availability 
  • Includes Golf Cart Assistance


reach out to (910)620-5774
for scheduling

  • Includes any photography session in which photos taken on the property will be used for any commercial purpose
  • Must be scheduled prior to arrival.
  • May be scheduled between 9:30am - 4:30pm
  • No transportation will be provided


  • Must be scheduled prior to arrival
  • May be scheduled between 9:30am - 4:30pm
  • No transportation will be provided.


photo sessions

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